Academic Appointments
Instructor of First-Year Writing, Virginia Tech (2019–)
M.A. English, Rhetoric & Composition, NC State University (May 2019)
Capstone: "Navigating the Spatial Metaphors of Transfer"
Advisor: Chris Anson
Dept. of English 2018–2019 Distinguished Capstone Award
Advisor: Chris Anson
Dept. of English 2018–2019 Distinguished Capstone Award
B.A. Philosophy and English (double major), History minor, UNC Chapel Hill (May 2016)
Highest Honors in English & Highest Distinction
A.G.S. General Studies (emphasis in Music), Arapahoe Community College, Littleton, CO (Dec 2013)
Courses Taught
First-Year Writing I: Intro to College Composition, Virginia Tech | 24 sections (2019–)
Introduction to rhetorical analysis, visual rhetoric, critical writing, and critical thinking; intensive reading of works in multiple genres; practice in writing and revision; fundamentals of oral presentations.
Introduction to rhetorical analysis, visual rhetoric, critical writing, and critical thinking; intensive reading of works in multiple genres; practice in writing and revision; fundamentals of oral presentations.
First-Year Writing II: Writing from Research, Virginia Tech | 23 sections (2019–)
Continued study in rhetorical analysis and the conventions of various genres; intensive instruction in writing and revision of work that incorporates research; experience in oral presentations.
Continued study in rhetorical analysis and the conventions of various genres; intensive instruction in writing and revision of work that incorporates research; experience in oral presentations.
Academic Writing & Research, NC State University | 3 sections (2018–2019)
Intensive instruction in academic writing and research. Basic principles of rhetoric and strategies for academic inquiry and argument. Instruction and practice in critical reading, including the generative and responsible use of print and electronic sources for academic research. Exploration of literate practices across a range of academic domains, laying the foundation for further writing development in college. Continued attention to grammar and conventions of standard written English.
Intensive instruction in academic writing and research. Basic principles of rhetoric and strategies for academic inquiry and argument. Instruction and practice in critical reading, including the generative and responsible use of print and electronic sources for academic research. Exploration of literate practices across a range of academic domains, laying the foundation for further writing development in college. Continued attention to grammar and conventions of standard written English.
Teaching Awards & RECOGNITION
Excellence in Teaching Spotlight, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Virginia Tech (forthcoming)
Certificate of Teaching Excellence, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Virginia Tech, 6 Feb. 2024.
Joyce Gentry Smoot Teaching Award, Department of English, Virginia Tech, 25 Apr. 2023.
Favorite Faculty Award (nominee), Division of Student Affairs, Virginia Tech, 9 Apr. 2021.
Award for Excellence in Classroom Teaching, Graduate Student Association, NC State University, 18 Mar. 2019.
Wolf of the Week, Recognized for Exceptional Leadership Skills Both Inside and Outside the Classroom, Graduate Student Association, NC State University, 2018.
scholarly publications
Becker, Tim. "We Are What We Teach: Writing Major Requirements Across Institutions." Composition Studies, vol. 52, no. 2, Fall 2024, pp. 14–28.
Becker, Tim. “Synecdoche.” Textshop Experiments, no. 8: The Culture Jam Issue (accepted 7 Apr. 2021; issue canceled).
Manuscripts in Preparation
Becker, Naomi & Tim Becker. "Stop Calling It the 'Wilson Cycle.'" (2,000 words)
Becker, Tim. “Procedural Wellbeing." (in revision for Enculturation; 7,000 words)
Becker, Tim. "Epistemic Compression in Digital Music Production." (13,000 words)
Becker, Tim. "Melville and the Humanist Manifestos." (14,500 words)
Becker, Tim. "The Rhetorical (After)Life of Garfield Parodies." (11,000 words)
Becker, Tim. "Skateboarding Rhetorics." (3,000 words)
McNabb, Kayla, Katlyn Griffin, Julia Feerrar, Lisa Becksford, Tim Becker, Chloe Robertson, Olayemi Awotayo, and Marc Zaldivar. “Composition, Digital Literacies, and Instructional Design: Creating Open Resources Together.” Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Online, Feb. 2–5, 2021.
Panel Discussions & Roundtables
Mockler, Susan, Tim Becker, Jaclyn Drapeau, Brian Gaines, Justin Greene, Leslie Jernegan, André Jones Jr., and Trevor Snyder. “In Praise of Dappledness: Composition Theory Roundtable.” Corridors: The Blue Ridge Rhetoric and Writing Conference, Shanks Hall, Virginia Tech, 21 Sep. 2019.
Pathways Grant ($10,000), Pathways: General Education at Virginia Tech, 2021
"Bridging Farther the Digital Literacies Initiative and Composition Program." Derek Mueller (co-principle), Stefanie Kinzie (co-principal), Tim Becker (project manager), Kayla McNabb, Katlyn Griffin, Julia Feerrar, Lisa Becksford, Chloe Robertson, Olayemi Awotayo, and Brooke Marton.
Pathways Grant ($10,000), Pathways: General Education at Virginia Tech, 2020
"Bridging the Digital Literacies Initiative and Composition Program." Derek Mueller (co-principle) & Stefanie Kinzie (co-principal), Tim Becker (project manager), Kayla McNabb, Katlyn Griffin, Chloe Robertson, Olayemi Awotayo, and Aaron Bond.
Educational Videos
Awotayo, Olayemi, Tim Becker, et al. “Using the Stases for Rhetorical Analysis.” Odyssey, 25 Aug. 2021,
Becker, Tim, et al. “How to Curate a Writing Portfolio.” Odyssey, 17 Sep. 2021,
Becker, Tim, et al. “Using the Stases for Reflective Practice.” Odyssey, 23 Aug. 2021,
Becker, Tim, et al. “Writing Portfolios for Self-Discovery and Self-Presentation.” Odyssey, 17 Sep. 2021.
Becksford, Lisa, Tim Becker, et al. “Keeping Track of Portfolio Artifacts.” Odyssey, 17 Sep. 2021,
Griffin, Lisa, Tim Becker, et al. “What It Means to Be a Researcher.” Odyssey, 27 Sep. 2021,
Becker, Tim, Julia Feerrar, and Yemi Awotayo. “How to Write Effective Peer Review Comments.” Odyssey, 19 Aug. 2020,
Becker, Tim, Julia Feerrar, and Yemi Awotayo. “Three Myths About Peer Review.” Odyssey, 19
Aug. 2020,
Becker, Tim, Julia Feerrar, and Yemi Awotayo. “What It Means to Be a Peer Reviewer.”
Odyssey, 19 Aug. 2020,
Aug. 2020,
Becker, Tim, Julia Feerrar, and Yemi Awotayo. “What It Means to Be a Peer Reviewer.”
Odyssey, 19 Aug. 2020,
Becksford, Lisa, Katlyn Griffin, Kayla McNabb, Chloe Robertson, Yemi Awotayo, Tim Becker, and Julia Feerrar. “Applying the 5 Ws.” Odyssey, 5 Nov. 2020,
Becksford, Lisa, Katlyn Griffin, Kayla McNabb, Chloe Robertson, Yemi Awotayo, Tim Becker, and Julia Feerrar. “Three Digital Literacy Myths.” Odyssey, 4 Sep. 2020,
Becksford, Lisa, Katlyn Griffin, Kayla McNabb, Chloe Robertson, Yemi Awotayo, Tim Becker, and Julia Feerrar. “Three Digital Literacy Myths.” Odyssey, 4 Sep. 2020,
Feerrar, Julia, Yemi Awotayo, Tim Becker, Lisa Becksford, Katlyn Griffin, Kayla McNabb,
Chloe Robertson, and Marc Zaldivar. “Composing in Multiple Modes.” Odyssey, 19 Aug. 2020,
Chloe Robertson, and Marc Zaldivar. “Composing in Multiple Modes.” Odyssey, 19 Aug. 2020,
Becker, Tim. “Shift Happens: The Northern Cities Vowel Shift.” NC Language & Life Project, 24 Oct. 2018.
Online Learning Modules
Becker, Tim, et al. "Curating a Writing Portfolio." Learning Sessions: Writing, Research, & Digital Literacy, 2021.
Becker, Tim, et al. "Rhetorical Analysis Using the Stases." Learning Sessions: Writing, Research, & Digital Literacy, 2021.
Becker, Tim, et al. "Multimodal Composition & Digital Literacy." Learning Sessions: Writing, Research, & Digital Literacy, 2020.
Becker, Tim, et al. "Rhetorical Analysis Using the Five Ws." Learning Sessions: Writing, Research, & Digital Literacy, 2020.
Becker, Tim, et al. "What It Means to Be a Peer Reviewer." Learning Sessions: Writing, Research, & Digital Literacy, 2020.
public Outreach
Interactive Resources
Becker, Naomi, Joseph Browning-Hanson, and Tim Becker. The 2021 Torrey C. Brown Rail Trail: A Virtual Field Experience. Johns Hopkins University, Department of Earth & Planetary Science, 7 Jan. 2021,
Becker, Tim. "North Carolina Dialects" (Children’s Activity Sheet), NC Language & Life Project, 6 Dec. 2018.
Becker, Tim. "Shift Happens: The Northern Cities Vowel Shift" (Animated Music Video), NC Language & Life Project, 2018.
North Carolina Dialects (Exhibit Booth), NC Language & Life Project, Raleigh, NC, 11–21 Oct. 2018.
Disciplinary contributions
Contributed curriculum and teaching materials to Academic Support for Ukraine, Virginia Tech, 2022.
Published Interviews
“Alumni Insights with Tim Becker, Rhetoric & Composition M.A.” Interview by Bethany Van Scooter. Academic Packways, 24 Feb. 2020.
“November Instructor Spotlight: Tim Becker." Interview by Katie Beth Brooks. Hokies Write, 23 Nov. 2019.
“Graduate School Spotlight: Tim Becker.” Interview by Colleen McKearney. Stories from the Field, Jun. 27, 2018.
Program Profiles & Reviews
Becker, Tim. Writing Program Inquiry Report: U of Central FL Undergraduate Major in Writing & Rhetoric. 16-week programmatic assessment of writing program administration.
editing & design
Becker, Tim. Cover art design for Composition Studies, vol. 52, no. 2, Fall 2024.
Reference Entries
CompPile Annotation for Douglas Downs and Elizabeth Wardle, “What Can a Novice Contribute? Undergraduate Researchers in First-Year Composition.” The WAC Clearinghouse,
CompPile Annotation for Mary Goldschmidt, “Teaching Writing in the Disciplines: Student Perspectives on Learning Genre.” The WAC Clearinghouse,
CompPile Annotation for Carl Leggo, “Questions I Need to Ask Before I Advise My Students to Write in Their Own Voices.” The WAC Clearinghouse,
Invited Lectures & Workshops
Becker, Tim. “Incorporating Metacognition and Reflection in the Classroom.” Department of English, professional development workshop, NC State University, 2019.
Becker, Tim. “How to Use Writing-to-Learn Activities in the Classroom.” The Graduate School, professional development workshop, NC State University, 2018.
Becker, Tim. “How to Introduce Students to Disciplinary Writing.” The Graduate School, professional development workshop, NC State University, 2018.
Becker, Tim, Jaclyn Drapeau, Florence Gonsalves, and Kira Morse. "Theory and Practice in University Writing Instruction." Moderated by Megan Weaver, Virginia Tech, online, 27 Oct. 2022.
Becker, Tim, Ashley Burchette, Caitlin Carle, and Sarah Grunder Ruiz. “Teaching College Composition: Alumni & Guest Panel.” Moderated by Zachary Beare, NC State University, online, 28 Sep. 2021.
Becker, Tim, Ashley Burchette, Alexandria Doria, and Alison Rodriguez. “Teaching College Composition: Alumni Panel.” Moderated by Zachary Beare, NC State University, online, 23 Sep. 2020.
Guest Lectures
Becker, Tim. “Black Existentialism in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man.” English 266 American Literature 1865–Present, NC State University, 2017.
Literary publications
Poetry Collections
Pyramid Blues. Fugazi Press, 2016.
The Planetarium. Flashlight City Press, 2013.
Sorrow Birds. Flashlight City Press, 2012.
New York City Bones. Flashlight City Press, 2011.
Silent Film Villains. Flashlight City Press, 2011.Sorrow Birds. Flashlight City Press, 2012.
The Planetarium. Flashlight City Press, 2013.
Sorrow Birds. Flashlight City Press, 2012.
New York City Bones. Flashlight City Press, 2011.
Silent Film Villains. Flashlight City Press, 2011.Sorrow Birds. Flashlight City Press, 2012.
“Guest Room.” And/Both Magazine, no. 5: Lost and Found, 2019.
“Cartography.” And/Both Magazine, no. 3: The Place Issue, 2018.
“Pyramid Blues.” And/Both Magazine, no. 1, 2017.
“Cartography.” And/Both Magazine, no. 3: The Place Issue, 2018.
“Pyramid Blues.” And/Both Magazine, no. 1, 2017.
Short Stories
"Horse Kid." Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature, vol. 18, no. 1, Summer 2024.
“Speaking in Tongues.” (in submission for The Offing)
“Bad Mail” (in submission for Appalachia Bare)
Music publications
Tectonics. LANDR, 2 Jul. 2023.
Moss. LANDR, 11 Jul. 2019.
Treeshadows, LANDR, 30 Jan. 2019.
Galapagos. LANDR, 8 Aug. 2018.
The Plaid Album. LANDR, 20 Dec. 2017.
Moss. LANDR, 11 Jul. 2019.
Treeshadows, LANDR, 30 Jan. 2019.
Galapagos. LANDR, 8 Aug. 2018.
The Plaid Album. LANDR, 20 Dec. 2017.
“Music Feature: Tim Becker.” Interview by Kal Skye. And/Both Magazine, no. 4: The Nature Issue, 29 Sep. 2018.
Teaching Certifications
Certificate of Online Teaching, TLOS, Virginia Tech, 2021 — Completed 8 professional development workshops.
Teaching & Communication Certificate, The Graduate School, NC State University, 2018 — Completed 100 hours of pedagogical training and practicum experience
Research Certifications
Human Research: Social/Behavioral Science, CITI Program, 2019 (valid until Feb. 4, 2022)
Graduate Coursework in Writing & Rhetoric
Cultural Rhetorics (2021)
Master's Capstone in Rhetoric & Composition (2019)
Empirical Research in Composition (2019)
Teaching College Composition (2018)
Writing Program Administration: Theory, Practice, & Research (2018)
Variety in Language (2018)
Visual Rhetoric: Theory and Criticism (2018)
Contemporary Rhetorical Theory (2018)
Rhetoric of Science and Technology (2017)
Theory & Research in Composition (2017)
Master's Capstone in Rhetoric & Composition (2019)
Empirical Research in Composition (2019)
Teaching College Composition (2018)
Writing Program Administration: Theory, Practice, & Research (2018)
Variety in Language (2018)
Visual Rhetoric: Theory and Criticism (2018)
Contemporary Rhetorical Theory (2018)
Rhetoric of Science and Technology (2017)
Theory & Research in Composition (2017)
Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), 2019–
English Language Arts Teacher Educators (ELATE), 2019–
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), 2019–
Two-Year College English Association (TYCA), 2019–
Tau Sigma National Honor Society (lifetime member), UNC Chapel Hill, 2014–
English Language Arts Teacher Educators (ELATE), 2019–
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), 2019–
Two-Year College English Association (TYCA), 2019–
Tau Sigma National Honor Society (lifetime member), UNC Chapel Hill, 2014–
Tutoring & Administration
Independent Tutor & Curriculum Designer (academic writing, creative writing, music, computer skills), Cardinal Scholars, Durham, NC, 2013–2015.
Guest Trainer & Training Administrator, Apple Inc., Littleton, CO & Durham, NC, 2011–2014.
Facilitated public technology workshops and employee training; Developed company training materials and curriculum; Administrated training programs; Organized and facilitated regional onboarding events; Featured in companywide newsletter for creating and leading successful training initiative.
Facilitated public technology workshops and employee training; Developed company training materials and curriculum; Administrated training programs; Organized and facilitated regional onboarding events; Featured in companywide newsletter for creating and leading successful training initiative.
industry Experience
primary employment (full-time, permanent)
Textbooks Floor Manager, UNC Student Stores | Chapel Hill, NC (Dec. 2014–Jul. 2017)
Trainer & Specialist, Apple Inc. | Littleton, CO & Durham, NC (Nov. 2011–Nov. 2014)
Professional Mover, Gone For Good | Denver, CO (Feb. 2011–Dec. 2011)
Shift Supervisor, Starbucks | Littleton, CO (Jun. 2007–Jan. 2011)
Certified Photo Specialist, Walgreens | Littleton, CO (Mar. 2007–Jun. 2007)
Crew Member, Cold Stone Creamery | Littleton, CO (Nov. 2006–Mar. 2007)
Crew Member, Chipotle Mexican Grill | Highlands Ranch, CO (Nov. 2005–Nov. 2006)
Service Clerk, Walgreens | Littleton, CO (Oct. 2004–Aug. 2005)
supplemental (Part-Time, Seasonal, temporary, & Contracted)
Professional Pet Sitter (contracted), Kate's Critter Care | Durham, NC (May 2016–Oct. 2018)
Tutor & Curriculum Designer (contracted), Cardinal Scholars | Durham, NC (Aug. 2013–May 2015)
Optical Consultant (part-time), Pearle Vision | Littleton, CO (Mar. 2011–Mar. 2012)
Escalated Response Team (temporary), DISH Network | Littleton, CO (Jan. 2011–Feb. 2011)
Tuning & Repair Assistant (seasonal), Joan's Piano Service | Littleton, CO (Nov. 2008–Dec. 2008)
Landscape & Construction (seasonal), Bolder In Design | Longmont, CO (Jun. 2008—Sep. 2008)
Security System Installer (contracted), Independent | Littleton, CO (Oct. 2007–Apr. 2008)
Youth Music Leader (part-time), Jubilee Fellowship | Lone Tree, CO (Jan. 2006–Jun. 2006)
Sales Associate (seasonal), Family Book Stores | Littleton, CO (Aug. 2005–Nov. 2005)
Cashier (seasonal), Southglenn Mall | Littleton, CO (Sep. 2004–Oct. 2004)
Owner & Publisher, Flashlight City Press | Denver, CO (2010–2013)
Co-Founder, Recording Engineer, & Musician, Allison Street Studios | Littleton, CO (Oct. 2008–Oct. 2010)Volunteer Experience
| Blacksburg, VA (2024–present)
NRV Community Fridge | Blacksburg, VA (2021–present)
Baltimore Community Fridge | Baltimore, MD (2020–2021)
Rural Shelter Transports | NC, VA, & MD (2016–2020)
NC Language & Life Project | Raleigh, NC (2018)
MaxFund Animal Adoption & Rehabilitation Center | Denver, CO (2011–2013)
Servant Movers: Volunteer Moving Services | Littleton, CO (2010–2011)
Waterstone Community Church | Littleton, CO (2008–2009)
NRV Community Fridge | Blacksburg, VA (2021–present)
Baltimore Community Fridge | Baltimore, MD (2020–2021)
Rural Shelter Transports | NC, VA, & MD (2016–2020)
NC Language & Life Project | Raleigh, NC (2018)
MaxFund Animal Adoption & Rehabilitation Center | Denver, CO (2011–2013)
Servant Movers: Volunteer Moving Services | Littleton, CO (2010–2011)
Waterstone Community Church | Littleton, CO (2008–2009)
Derek Mueller
Director of University Writing Program
Department of English
Virginia Tech
Zachary Beare
Associate Director of First-Year Writing Program
Department of English
NC State University
Chris Anson
Director of Campus Writing & Speaking Program
Department of English
NC State University
Stacey Pigg
Director of Professional Writing Program
Department of English
NC State University
Director of University Writing Program
Department of English
Virginia Tech
Zachary Beare
Associate Director of First-Year Writing Program
Department of English
NC State University
Chris Anson
Director of Campus Writing & Speaking Program
Department of English
NC State University
Stacey Pigg
Director of Professional Writing Program
Department of English
NC State University
Vanessa Doriott Anderson
Director of Teaching & Communication Programs
The Graduate School
NC State University
Director of Teaching & Communication Programs
The Graduate School
NC State University